The Bourbon news from Paris, Kentucky (2024)

THE BOURBON NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday by BRUGE WALTER MILLER, CHAMP, Editors and Owners. PARIS, KY, JUNE 20, 1893. (Entered at the Post-office at Paris, as second class mail matter.) SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. I Payable in Advance.

One Six NEWS COSTS; YOU CAN'T EVEN GET A' REPORT FROM A GUN FREE OF CHARGE. Make all Checks, Money Orders, payable to the order of CHAMP MILLER. ADVERTISING RATES. Displays, one dollar per inch for first insertion; half rates each insertion thereafter. Locals, or reading notices, ten cents per line each insertion.

Locals in black type, twenty cents per line each insertion. Fractions of lines count as full lines when running at line-rates. Obituaries, cards of thanks, calls on candidates, resolutions of respect and matter of a like nature, ten cents per line. Special rates given for large advertisem*nts aud yearly cards. Advertising is to business what steam power is to mehinery-the great motive power.

-MACAULAY. 1 here is one way of obtaining businesspublicity; but one way of obtaining WOOD. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 3 FOR STATE SENATOR. We are authorized to announce JAMES P.

GAY, of Clark County, AS a candidate for State Senator for the 28th District, composed of Bourbon, Clark aua Montgomery couuties, subject to the action of the Demycratic party. We are authorized to announce J. HOLLOWAY, of Clark county, as a candidate tor State Senator for the 28th District, composed of Bourbon, Clark and Montgomrey counties, subject to the action of the Democratic party. MILLERSBURG. Mrs.

Lizzie Champ returned last night from Paris. without Layson Tarr. is rusticating, this week, Russell McClintock, of Lexington, is visiting relatives here. Miss Elma Pope returned last night from a visit in Cynthiana. Mr.

Thos. Shannon returned from Danville College, Saturday. Miss Ellen Shackleford, of Maysville, is visiting at Mr. Bob Tarr's. Mr.

Best wife, of Mason, visited relatives here, last week. Prof. Mack Sbipp and family, of gow, are. visiting Mr. Thos.

Shipp. Mrs. Daniel Robertson has returned from a visit to her sister at Carlisle. Mr. James Peddicord, of Higginsville, is visiting a lady friend bere.

Miss Orra Barton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Roseberry Rogers, near Paris. FOR 24-inch safety bicycle; price $15. Address, Jaynes Savage. Mr.

Henry Miller and Miss Nora Taylor bave returned from Owingsyille. Mire. Barnes, of Nicholasville, is a guest at Mr. Robt. Barnes', near town.

to the wife of W. Thes. Jones, two miles East of town, a son. Dr. "Perry and BIr.

Frank Clift, of Mason, were up to see Mr. John Peed, Sunday. Mrs. T. P.

Wadell, Mrs. Litsv and Miss Della Wadell are visiting Mrs. Tom Prather, in Mason. In ington, Messrs. have Hunt been and the guests McClelland, of of Sauford Lex Allen, tor several days.

Mrs. Robt. Lyle, of Paris, has been the guest of ber aunt, Mrs. Sue Sandusky, for the past week. Mr.

Robt. Thompson, of near here, lost three 200-pound bogs from heat, while driving them here for shipment. Misses Willie Johnson and Bessie Haynes, of Paris, bave been the gueste of Mrs. Will Judy for several days. cars of hogs, last week.

Carpenter McClintock McIntyre shipped two also shipped one car of hogs and two of sheep. Mr. Reynolde Best returned last Tues day from Aun Arbor, where be has been attending law school for the past year. Miss Lois Thorn and Mr. Tom Shannon returned Saturday from Richmond, where they attended commencement exercises.

Miss Mattie Frank McClelland returned Saturday, to Mt. Sterling, accompanied by her graud-mother, Nre. Martba McClelland. Miss Lucy Allen will entertain a number of ber frienda to-night, in honor of her guesta, Misses Rosa D. and Imogene Allen, of Sharpsburg.

Messrs. Joe and Will Peed, Mrs. Toll Young and Mrs. Stack bave been the guests of Mr. Jobn Peed for the past week.

Mr. Peed is still very ill. Misses Iva D. Alien and Mae Marshanl returned from a visit to Sharpsburg and Owingsville, Wednesday. Miss Marshall returned to her home at Marshall Station, Wednesday.

Mr. Paille, the jeweler, received letter, Friday, announcing the death his father Griffin, Ga. Mr. Paille left for home that evening, expecting to return in about a month. Drs.

John Rogers, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Charlotte Helm, of Louisville, have been guests of Mrs. Mary Trotter, Mr. J. S.

Vimont and other relatives bere, for the past week. After a lingering illness, Mr. N. H. McClelland died at Lexington, Wednesday, and the remains were interred there Thursday.

Mrs. Owen Ingels, Mrs. M. Purpell aud Sanford Alleu, of this place, attended the funeral. The Knights of Pythias and the four local Sunday Schools will combine and viye a pic-nic on July 4th, in Chas.

Clarke's Woodland, one mile East town. Complete arrangements will announced later. Mr. Will Smedley and family, of Salt Lake, who have been the guests of Mr. J.

G. Smedley, for past week, left Thursday for Chicago. Mr. J. G.

Smedley accompanied them as far as Cincinnati. Will Cole, who formerly attended college here; is a candidate for County At torney, in Mason county. He is a bright and deserving young man, and bis friends here bope be will win the nomination. A dispatch to the Cincinnati l'ostsays: "A dastardly attempt was made Wed nesday at Sardis, this county, to the whole family of Holman Boulden. Garrett Parker went to Boulden's and placed a teacupful of Paria green a bucket of water; then took the and stirred the water about.

James Kirk caught Parker in the act. The news soon spread and a mob organ ized to hang Parker, but be disappeared." CARLISLE. Mra. Dr. Tilton had a stroke of paraly sis Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mre. IV. I. Dorsey left yestercay for a trip to the World's Fair.

Mre. Ellen Spencer was called to Louisville, Saturday afternoon, ou account of the illness of her Lusband. The register in the Kentucky Building at the World's Fair, Saturday, showed the following names from this place: FREE to the World's Fair! Beautiful line of Spring and Summer Clothing, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Silks, Velvets, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, is just as enjoyable a sight to the people as to view the World's Fair. A judicious buyer can save enough money on his purchases at our store TO PAY HIS EXPENSES to the World's Fair. Our Men's and Boys' Clothing Department is now complete and you are sure to be pleased with their style, quality and prices.

DRESS GOODS. In Dress Goods we have all the handsome and popular Spring and Summer shades also Velvets, Silks, Ribbons and a large variety of wash goods. SHOES and SLIPPERS! Men's Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers. We always aim to carry the best. We can save you money on them.

We also carry a big stock of Kid Gloves, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises. etc. Mind, it will pay you to buy your goods of TWIN Door above Dan No. 701 Cor. MAIN and SEVENTH Streets, PARIS.

KY. ASSIGNEE'S SALE D- CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. I As Assignee of J. D. ARMSTRONG I will sell their stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents' furnishing goods at COST FOR CASH.

The stock consists entirely of NEW goods--no shop worn goods in the stock---everything new and styles up to date. Special drives in Children's Suits, Straw Hats and Summer neck-wear. Store will be open Saturday morning. 20 T. E.

ASHBROOK, Assignee. TO MY PATRONS obliged for patronage given me. As I have disposed of my business, I must now beg of you to pay what. you owe 110. THIS IS ESSENTIAL as I am compelled to pay what I owe others.

Your prompt heeding of this will save TROUBLE AND ANNOYANCE to all. With thanks. Yours truly, ALLEN BASHFORD. May 5, 1893. SUIT FOR $25! Sec the new Merchant Tailor, S.

J. LOUIS And have him make to order one of his fine 825 Summer suits. Just the thing to wear to the World's Fair. l'ants made to order from $7 to $12. Store in Gnadinger's building on Mein Street.


(. H. Free and. Momon Itoute. Leaves Monday, Aug.

7. Stopping to our pupils. Enroll at once and secure the benefits. You can commence your studies at your pleasure. For particulare, address C.

M. BARTLETT, President, 102, 104 and 106 W. Fourth Cincinnati. FLOUR The Staff of Life. The produce of all the first-class mills in the country.

Prices the same as at the mills. Call and see. Chambers, Mitchell Co. Carlisle, Thomas A. Webster, Fannie: H.

Webster, Nancy Hull. Mrs. Mary Metcalfe and Mre. B. F.

Remington, of Paris, and Mrs. W. W. Smith, of Cynthiana, were bere Saturday. Messra W.

W. Hoffstetter, E. C. Fritte, H. R.

Ewing, W. W. Howe, S. 0. Vaughan and Dr.

Jas. Ware spent Sun-. day in Paris. The old settlers held their annual reunion here Saturday, and enjoyed a the Court house yard. bountiful dinner which was spread in John Robinson's circus attracted a very large crowd Thursday, and did 8 business here.

The heavy rain broke up the night performance, and came near washing everything away. It ruined lots of clothes for those who attended the night performance. During the circus parade, Thursday, stranger effected an entrance to the postoffice through a back window and secored about casb, when he was scared out by the postmaster. The office was thought to be securely locked, but the thief got in just the same. Four the circus men were arrested on suspicion, but were discharged.

CHAMBERS MITCHELL request all persons indebted to them to call and settle at once. They do not like to dun their patrous, but they would like to bave their money. 9oot-ti THAT disaster in Washington caused by the collapse of the Ford Theater should be brought home heavily to the party responsible for it. The penalty due to manslaughter would be a light one. THE following item, clipped from the Ft.

Madison (Jowa,) Democrat, contains infornation worth remembering: "Mr. John Roth, of this city, who met with an accident A few days ago, spraining and bruising his leg And aril quite severely, was cured by one 50 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Paid Balm." This remedy is without an equal for A sprains and bruises and should bave a place in every household. For sale by W. T. Brooks, Paris; I.

L. A. Soper, Littie Rock; Poulden, Millersburg; A. H. Trimble, North Middletown.

The Legislature. THE House has passed the bill requiring railroads to fence their riguts of way, and construct cattle guards at all highway crossings. The fence must be of nine strands of wire, strung 00 posts ten feet apart, and set two and a half feet in the ground. The House adopted the five Senate amendments to the Louisville charter and passed it. It is now in shape to run the gubernatorial gauntlet, is believed.

The House passed the bill reported from the Judiciary Committee to prevent trusts, pools, combinations or other organiza tions from combining depreciate or appreciate the value of any article below or above its real value, and imposing penalties of not less than $100 nor more than $5000. LIhUT. PEARY intends taking a lot of donkeys along on his next Arctic expendition. His purpose is to use them as pack animals in croseing the ice cap of Greenland, and as fast as the packs are reduced so tbat any donkey can be dispensed with to use him for dog meat. Probably, however, the North Pole will never be reached until the polar bear can be made serviceable to explorers.

Are You Going to the World's Fair? If NO see bat your ticket reads via Cinciunati and the C. H. D. and Mono' -the acknowledged World's Fair Route." The only line out of Cincinnati connecting with E. T.

V. G. and 0 traiu No. arriving Cinciunati 10:30 p. A SOlid train carrying through sleepers from JackNOD, Savannah, Birmingham, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Macon and New Orleans via E.

T. V. 0, U. H. D.

and Monon Route to Chicago. You cau slop over in Cincinnati if your Ticket reads via the O. H. D. and Donou Route, by depositing same with the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association, Chamber of C'ommerce Building, corner of Fourth and Vine Streets, one block from Fountain Square (the C.

H. d. D. ticket office is in the same building). This enables you to visit the picturesque "Queen City" at no additional cost, and special efforts will be made to entertain strangers hospitably and reasonably.

public l4 that the Safety Vestibule The universal verdict, of the traveling trains, running every day, Sund- 100," via G. H. D. and Monon, between Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Chicago, are without doubt the "finest on earth." These trains were especially buiit by the Pollinan Company for this service, and embrace every improvement. Their magnificent coacnes, luxurtous smoking cars.

superb sleepers, obserVation cars and unexcelled dining car service, afford all the comforts of home." Leaving Cincinnati you pass through the Miama Valley, and the very front door yards finest five miles the double tracks run, through suburban homes in the country. Beyoud Hamilton and up to Indianapolis, the live 18 noted for its scenic beauty. A stop over at Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana, may be obtained by depositing your ticket with the Secretary of the Coinmercial Club. This city is more worthy of A visit than almost any other of its size in the West, and offers the greatest inducemenis to traveler and tourist. Between Indianapolis and Chicago the line traverses the very beat agricultural and commercial territory, and the ripe is one of unparalleled comfort and beauty.

Bear In mind that the C. H. D. and Monon Route trains all run via Burnside Crossing, from which point the Illinois Central Suburtan trains run direct to the World's Fair Grounds every moment. At Euglewood connection is made with the electric cars, which run every five minutes to the grounds, but we recommend all persons to go directly into the Dearborn Station, which is located in the heart of the city and from which all street car lines converge, then go directly by car or cab to your boarding place.

First locate yourself; KnOw where and how you are to live while in Chicago. Get the locality firmly fixel in your mind, before going to the World's Fair by any of the numerous convenient ways; the cable cars, electric roads, elevated railroads, Illinois Central R. suburban trains and the steamboats, afford ample accommodations for all possible visitors, and it is but five minutes ride from the business portion.of the city to the grounds. Take your breakfast down town, buy your lunch at the grounds, and take your supper down town. If you will follow these suggestions you will save money.

The facilties for servIng lunch at the wor'd's Fair Grounds are extraordinary and the prices are cheaper than at your own home, but breakfast and supper should be taken down town. or al your boarding house. The Worla's Fair is already the most astounding and stupendous spectacle ever attempted hy any people, and a day's visit will afford more delight and instruction than can possibly be obtained in any other way or by same expenditure of money. For further particulars, descriptive pamphlets, rates, address E. A.

HOOVER, General Advertising Agent C. H. D. R. No.

200 W. Fourth Cincinnati, 0. ONE is not disposed to charge Chicago with a lack of intellectuality, when he remembers the inmeuse library she pos sesses and the immense use that is made of it. A report just issued shows that, the total circulation for the year ended on May 31 amounte1 to 2,094 000 books aud periodicals. Of these, 988,000 were issued for home use.

There's no danger that Chicago's bead will not expand. ORPRICE'S ream Baking MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes, Dr. Price'sCream Baking Powder holds its supremacy. Dr.

P'rice's The only Pure Contains Cream of Tartar No Alumouia, Baking Powder. Alum, Its Purity Or any other Has never been Adulterant. Questioned. 40 Years the Standard. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES.

A Few Pointers About Chicago. D. R. MARTIN, General fa*gsonger Agout, Cincinnati, Asa rest many readers of the KENTUCKIAN I 'ITIZEN will make their fret trip to Chicago during the World's Fair, feW pointers regarding the geography of the city will he appreciated. In Tue drat plane.

fix Armiy in your mind the InCl that Lake Michigan forms the eastern boundary of the entire cliy, aud if you stand facing the lake with both arms outstretched the left band will point to the North Pole and the nt band will point straight down the tra: k. of the BI FOUR ROUTE tO the World's Fair Buildings, sitnated at the souther: eud of the city. Paste This 'n Jour hat and you have the key tolbe entire situation. Coming Into Chicago on trains of the Big Four Route, which is the only railroad having an entrauce on the sou side along 1:.0 late front, where all tel8 1:01 boarding houses are located, you will fi'3d yourself practically the Exposition Grounds and a magnificent p.ooramic view of the Fair i8 ontan ed. At 1 De World's Pair Station of the Big Four R.

ute, iron step off at, The right you area! The entrance gato to the tion aud can brgiu "doing" the Fair at 09 if you step on on tho left side, yon will Hud yourself in the duet of ('hic aud right in the miast of 11:0 Worlu's Fair hotel And boarding 1 use trict. "'he chances are ten to3 ODe ru will De within a few mi u'es walk of very you lave selected for 3 neadIf you pre for to go down town, ten inin. quarters. utes ride will bling 3 011 in the new twelfth Stract ation 191 of the cliy. Now bear in mint be man: test vantage of en.

tering Chicago on the Big Four Route. In the fist. place you avoid en irgly the bother Hod tioob'e of a tedious iransler the city, which 18 ary vi: al other lines, being dir-olly 91 lue Exposition Grounds, an advant ge offered by a0 other line; and iu the second place you can 80 the geograpby of the city in your miud that you will at once becoine 98 tamiliar with Chicago n8 3 ou are with your owe town. point in favor of the Big Four Route is found in the fact th: tif sou enter 'i on the Queen Frescent Route, Louisville Nashville Kentucky Ceu OnioN. W.

R. connection. is m. de in ItAl Ry Cheapeaked Ohio ny Baltimore Depot, Le disgreeable tra1 stet necessary vie all other lies. For full information PEg SENATOR SHERMAN the Repullician party has secured us a sound currency and general prosperity.

Yet all financiers agree that unless we can get the Sherman eilver law repealed and A new deal all around in financial policy, we must face a crisis more grave than any that ever threatened us before. Just as sure as hot weather comes there wil! be more or less bowel complaiutio this vicinily. Every person, and especially families ought 10 have some reliable medicine at band for instant use in case it is needed. A 25 or 50) neut bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D'arrho Remedy just what you ought to Lave and all that 3 Wouid need, even for the mist severe 000 41 daugerous cases. It is the best, the most retiable and most surce-sful treatment Known and is pleasant to take.

For sale by W. T. Brooks, Paris; L. L. A.

Hoper, Litt Rock; H. B. Boulden, Millersburg; A. S. Trimble, North Middletown.

FOR RENT! THE Co. and rooms Davis over the store Thomson, of A. with Lyle wide hallway opening on Main St. A first-class opening for a boarding house. The ballway has been used for a confectionery, news stand, etc.

For particulars and terms call L. Frank. 16der- tf) MRS. L. PRICE.


BRICK WORK DONE I employ none but the beat. workmen, And my prices are as low as are consistent with the best workmanship. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Office at W. A.

Hill's marb'e yard, No. 611 Main street, l'aris, Ky. DR. L. L.

CARMER. Stricken Down with Heart Disease. Dr. Mics Medical Elkhart, Ind. GENTLEMEN: I feel it my duty, as well 08 pleasure, to publish, unsolicited, to the world the benefit received from DR.

MILES' RESTORATIVE REMEDIES. I was stricken Disease and its complications, a rupid pulse varying from 90 to 140 beats per minute, a choking or burning sensation in the wind pipe, oppression in the chest, THOUSANDS in much the puin region of the heart and below lower rib, pain in the arms, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, weakness and general debility. The arteries in my neck would throb violently, the throbbing of my heart could be heard across a large room and would shake my whole body. I was so nervous that I could not hold my hand steady. I have been under the treatment of eminent physicians, and have taken gallons of Patent Medicine without the.

least benefit. A friend recommended your remedies. She was cured by Dr. Miles' remedies. Ihavetaken three Heart Cure bottles and of two your bottles New CURED Nervine.

My pulse is normal, I have no more violent throbbing of the every heart, 1 AM A WELL MAN. I sincerely recommend one with symptoms of Heart Disease to take Dr. Miles' Restora dine Remedies and be cured. Gypsum City, Kans. L.


For ay or postpaid on receipt of price, 91 ix). BURDSAL MEDICINE biasonic Temple. CINCINNATI, For sale by W. T. BROOKS ANd CLARKE 14 RY, Druggists, Paris, (119p 93-1y) If one bottle doer you no good, don't buy another.

Lexington Steam Kinds in Reliable Companies. At Rion Montgomerys S. STOUT, PARIS, KY. To the MoD. best gomery work, leave ShOe your orders I'll a.t have your work called for and delivered promptly.

I Make a specialty of I kinds of fanny work for ladies. lace and Counterp Ines. GOODS SENT- 1:10 D. m. Tues lay.

4:30 pm Wednesday 1:30 p.m Thursday 4:30 p. 11. 1:30 p. m. Jam agent for Mrs.

D. Honker, Florist, Lexington, and can furnish Flowers on short notice at all seacons of the year. Funeral designs a specialty. Give me a trial. Life and Fire Insurance of all SOME TEMPTING PRICES That will prove irresistible to every economical buyer of Dry Goods! come at last.

All nature and humankind well, who have so long clung to the garments of Winter, now The long expected has at last happened: Warm weather, with its sunshine and its gay flowers has put then aside for the cool, dainty, filmy dress of Summer. here we come with a pretty array of Summer goods, leading all others in variety, in beauty, in reasonablenessLEADING IN EVERYTHING! Leading at all times. As we lead in the Fall, as we lead in the Winter, as we lead in the Spring, so we will lead in the Summer. We point with pride to the correct dressers of Paris, to the shrewd, careful buyers of this city. These are our patrons, these bear testimony to our superiority in quality, in beauty and in price.

A great sale all over the house this week-opening up the Summer business: DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS, PARASOLS, LADIES' WRAPS AND JACKETS, HOSIERY, LACE CURTAINS, LACE CAPS, LADIES' AND GENTS' UNDERWEAR, LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING--All will go this week at a reduced price, alt 4 THE LOUISVILLE STORE, J. SALINGER. MANAGER. 1 3 4-- J. R.

ADAIR, DENTIST. 411 MAIN ST. PARIS, KY. Up stairs, over Gnadinger's old stand.) Office hours: 8 to 12 a. and 1 to 6 0 p.

m. (21mar-1f) Electropoise A Cure For All Discases Without Medicines. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE. PERFECTLY SAFE. ALWAYS READY.

SCARLET FEVER CURED. PARIS, March 22, 1893. Manager Electropoise. -Sir: Ou the 3d of this month my miece, Mary A. Shawhan, who resides with me, was taken sick with scarlet fever.

I gave her no medicines, cut treated her with 1. he Electropoise under your direction, and al bough sue WAS very sick, sue has now fully recovered, and bas not a single bad symptom left. brought her to town to see you. We live about four miles aud a halt in the country. My daughter.

Nannie Belle, is almost entirely cured of a very bid case of rheumawhich had resisted all other treatmeats. We are all thanbful for what the E.ectropoise has doue for us, aud gladly recoiamend it to all our friends. We have the most entire confidence 1u it. MRS. LOU J.

SMEDLEY. The Electropoise cured me of scariet fever. I no deber medicine, and am quite well now. Was only sick about two weeks all together. MARY ALMA SHAWMAN.

The Electropoise has almost entirely cured me of very stubborn aud painfui case of rheumatism, which had restated all treatments for about four years. I gladly recommend the instrument. NANNIE BELLE SMEDLEY. BRIGHT'S DISEASE. DANVILLE, Feb.

0, 1803. Manager Electropoise: Before I began treatment with the Electropoise the doctors said I had Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, and that my case was iucurabie. ahis, of course, discouraged me, but after using the solue jinie (5 weeks). I had the same docior examine my urine and he declared it free from disease. My kidney trouble, or bright's disease, is all gone.

My appetite 18 good and I sleep well. I all SaLisfied the Electropoise is all that is claimed for it, if it ran intelligently and persistently used, but also satistied this is not generaliy done. Before I began to use it I. baa tried a great mavy doctors and remedies, and never found anything that done me any good. I concluded to try the Electropoise as a last resort.

Had not received any benefit from it I should have despaired from ever getting well. Very M. Respectfully, L. REED. It is absolutely safe, perfectly reliable, and can be used by any person of ordinary intelligence.

It 18 not a faith cure, and needs only application LO insure success. R. PTIVE PAMPHLET FREE. ELECTROPOISE SANITARIUM, Johns B'ld'g, Man and Walnut, LEXINGTON, KY. The manager of the Sanitarium will be at the Windsor Hotel, Paris, every Wednesday until further notice.

Consultation free. RAM TABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. RIPANS TABULES arc the best Medicine known for Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Ohronlo Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, all diaorders of the stomach, Liver and Bowels. Ripans Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitution. Are pleasant to take, safe, effectual, and give immediate relief.

Box (6 vials), 75 cents; Package (4 boxes), $2. May be ordered through nearest druggist, or by mail. Sample free by mail. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. PATENTS 7 FOR INVENTIONS.

Equal with the interest of those having claims against the goverument is that of INVENTORS, who often lose benefit of valuable inventions because incompetency or inattention of the attorueys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a pateut depends greatly, if not entirely, upou the care and skill of attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have retained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct Interferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, together with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary.

If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before actiug ou the matter. THE PRESS 618 STREET, NORTHWEST, P. O. BOX 463. JOHN 40 Cut this out LIGHTNIN WIND PRE IN INSURANCE CLAIMS COMPANY, WASHINGTON, D.

C. WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. and send it with your inquiry. 0 Most Successful Eye, Far, Throat and CHRONIC DISEASE Specialist in the State. Dr.

Stockdale, the Celebrated Specialist, formerly of New York City, now consulting physician of Southorn Medical of Louisville, will be at the HOTEL FOR DIAM, Paris, on THURSDAY, JUNE 22, '93 Returning every four weeks. Dr. Stockdale has had years of experience in the largest hospitals in the country, is graduate of several of the best Colleges, aud has for a number of years made a specialty of all Chronic aud Surgical Diseases. He treats successfully, and does not take the case unless a cure can be guarauteed. Acute and Chronic Catarrh, Ringing in Ears, Deafness, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Lungs, Kidney, Urinary and Bladder Troubles, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Rheumatism and t'aralysis.

Epilepsy or Fits positively cured. Young or middle-aged men, suifering from Spermatorrhea, Impotency, Eruptions the results of errors or excesses, should call before it is too late. We guarantee a cure if case has not gone too far. Superfluous hair and all eruptions of the face permanently removed. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, As Syphilis, Scrofula, Stricture, Gleet, cured by never failing remedies.

Diseases of Women, such as Leucorrhea, painful menstruation, displacement of in womb, short time. bearing-down pains in back, relieved The Doctor carries all his portable instruments and comes prepared to examine the most He obscure undertakes medical and surgical cases. cures no incurable diseases, but hundreds given up to die. Consuitations free and confidential. Address, 4-oct B.


Seamless, Simond's cold best drawn. ball- imported troughout. steel Hoosier tubing and double drop lace forgings. Piano wire spokes. Tool steel bearScale weight, 82 pounds.

complete, inner tube pneumatic tires. 36 pounds. Have you had our catalogue? THE BOURBON CYCLE 509 MAIN STREET, PARIS, KENTUCKY. 1 THERE companies are elgbt represented large and in prompt my agency. paving Your patronage solicited.

TOS. M. JONES, PARIS. KENTUCKY. WORK FOR US a few and vou will startled ot efforts.

the unex- W'e success that will reward your nositivoly have the nest bit in this an earth: that can be found OIl of' 515.00 profit on 8315 of business is being easily and honorably by and paid to hundreds of men, women. hoys, and girls in our employ. You can make money faster it business work is for us than von have any idea of. The 80 easy to learn, and instructions so simple and plain, that all succeed from the start. Those who take hold of tho business the advantage that arises from the sound reputation of one of the oldest, most successful, and largest publishing houses in America.

Secure for yourself the profits that the business so readily and handsomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than realize their greatest expectations. Those who try it room find for exactly few as we more tell workers, them. There and is we plenty urge them to begin at once. If you are already ployed, but have a few spare moments, and wish to use them to advantage, then write us at once (for this is your grand opportunity), and receive full particulars by return inail.

Address, TRUE Box No. 400, Augusta, Me. EVAI. KENNEY, M. -PRACTITIONER OFMEDICINE SURGERY, May he found, when not professionally engaged, at Brooks' Drug Store, day or night.

lug aud Repuiring. Main Street. Paria, Ky. W. F.

TALBOTT'S LIVERY, SALE FEED STABLE. TWO square from the from the Grand depot Opera and House, one Main Street, Paria, Ky. Special rates to commerotal end livery men. (81an92-ly) GEORGE W. DAVIS, DEALER IN ORNITURE, Window Shades, Carpets, Ou Cloths, Mattresses, Hpucial Attention Given to Underiak 4 A DESIRABLE TOWN LOT FOR SALE WE site, a 60x208 feet, beautifully suitable located for a building resideuce, situated ou Higgins Avenue, which we sell at and cau offer it at inost reasonable Being adjacent to the new City School, and otber substantial buildings, and baving all the advantages of street lights and water works, Datural drainage, excellent neighborhood and entirely free from negroes, it will make an excellent site for a residence-and can be bad cheap.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.