Birmingham Post-Herald from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)

BIRMINGHAM POST- Memorial Fund Nears $5000 Mark To Pay Expenses Of Bomb Victims, Rebuild Church Almost $5000 has been donated to the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Memorial Fund, officials said yesterday. Only one person remainse in the bombing and hospital, events injured following. The fund, being kept in accounts at First National Bank and Birmingham Trust National Bank, will be used to expenses above that paid by pare insurance of victims of the church bombing and aftermath. Money in the fund will be used to help rebuild the bombed Negro church and other buildings damaged in the Sunday morning blast. Of all persons injured in the Sept.

15 bombing, only 12-yearold Sarah Jean Collins still is in the hospital. Sister of one of the four Negro girls killed directly by the sion, Sarah suffered extensive eye damage, but has good prospects of recovering part of her vision. A bandage yesterday was removed from her left eye and a spokesman at University Hospital said outlook for useful vision was good. The girl can detect the difference in her right eye when a light is turned on or off. Both eyes were injured by glass broken by force of the church bombing.

Dennis Earl Robertson, 16, white youth who was struck by a brick the afternoon after the bombing, went home Wednesday from Carraway Methodist Hospital. Red Warrick To Call Dance Red Warrick, popular square dance caller from Kilroy, will return to Birmingham today to call a dance at the YWCA. Mrs. Carol Brock, director the Y's adult department, announced that the dance will be held from 8 to 11 p.m. in the gymnasium.

is $1 per couple for those who have YWCA membership cards and $2 per couple for others. WE CAN HELP YOU Restaur A restaurant owner, concerned about the high cost of his insurance, asked for help from Fowlkes, MeGriff Seibels in checking it. After a careful evaluation of the risk and coverage, an improper rating was discovered. This discovery Fowlkes, McGriff Seibels led to a decrease in the cost of the restaurant owner's insurance. The competent insurance counsel given by Fowlkes, McGriff Seibels has led many Birmingham businessmen to lower insurance costs with higher limits and broader coverage.

Why not call us on your insurance problem? FOWLKES McGRIFF SEIBELS COMPETENT INSURANCE COUNSEL 2217 7th Avenue, South Phone 252-9871 HERALD Friday, September 27, 1963 11 Spend Night In Shelter In Civil Defense Exercise Eleven residents of the Central City and Elyton Village scurried into a fallout shelter early yesterday afternoon for the final stage of their Civil Defense training. They had gathered only a few minutes earlier in an auditorium at Central City to receive, final instructions from N. James, director of the Jefferson County Civil Defense Corps, and F. R. Huddleston, executive assistant of the corps.

The exercise was carried out under situations as realistic as possible. Alert Declared "Word has just been received from the North American Air Defense Command that a large number of unidentified planes are approaching the U. S. An all-out alert has been declared," came the news over a radio. Within a matter of minutes the wail of a siren heralding that a missile attack had been launched, resounded throughout the building.

Carrying blankets and chairs, the group filed into a dark basem*nt beneath one of the Central City buildings to get ready for a long night in which they would live under conditions similar to those of an actual nuclear attack. In the shelter the residents unsuch things as shelter manager derwent additional training in techniques, first aid, communications and others. There re also were regular periods of supervised rec, reation. To Get Certificates This morning they will emerge from the shelter to take a final examination and then receive Civil Defense certificates. Spending the night in the shelter were Gilbert King, 8233 Sixthav, shelter manager; Ethel Reeves, 660 Idlewild-cir; Mrs.

Frances D. Maxwell, 5126 Hillside-dr, Fairfield; Phyllis A. Egan, 2214 Seventh-ter, Zeb Cole, 2301 Seventh-av, R. J. McGee, 2526 Seventh-ter, Reba Meadows; 2411 Sixth-av, Eugene C.

Jenkins, 2501 Sixth-ter, Claude H. Hullett, 2518 Sixthav, and Pauline Cummings, 121 Graymont-av, w. Two Accused Of Burglary Two safe-crackers, both -convicts free on bond from other cases, were arrested in downtown Birmingham yesterday and charged with another count of burglary and grand larceny. They are Elbert Lloyd Wade, 38, 1836 Madison- BRASSEAL av, sw, and Lowell Clark Brasseal, 42, Brilliant. The two Wearrested by Detectives J.

W. WADE Jones, C. L. Limbaugh and Ralph Barber, state narcotics agent, who said the pair was carrying about $4000 in stolen express money orders taken in a burglary. The checks were identified as coming from Mann Paint and Hardware 533 Huffman-rd, on Tuesday night.

Investigators said the two men had various identification cards such as Social Security and driver's license under other names. The arresting officers said Wade is out on bond in connection with the burglary of East Lake Feed Store, and Brasseal for possession of burglary tools. Mobile Has 35 Negro Policemen Two Alabama cities already have Negro policemen. An increasing number of voices are being raised in Birmingham to add Negro police to the force here in view of the efficiency displayed by Negroes organized called as Defense workers but into use as reserve police forces in street riots following bombings. In Mobile the police force now employs about 35 Negroes, all with "full police power" to arrest.

Mobile has had Negro police since 1954 and now has a Negro detective on the. force. Huntsville has two Negro policemen, with four more to be added after Oct. 1. PTAs To Push Drive For Voters Jefferson County PTA Council will launch an all-out campaign for voter registration Oct.

1. Slogan is "Every PTA Member a Voter." say the citizenship chairmen, Mrs. James C. Crabtree and Mrs. J.

C. Ernest. Top cash awards will go to PTAs with greatest percentage of increase in registered voters and for those with 100 per cent voter registration. But Not The Racers PARIS, Sept. 26 -A butchers' organization disclosed yesterday that Parisians consumed 500 horses last year.

Dominican 3-Man Junta Established Civilian Rule Will Continue Until 1965 Vote BY JOSE ESTELLA ARE YOU CONTAMINATED? Garry Davis, 1636 18th-wy, sw, checks Mrs. Ed Reeves, director of Sunset Unlimited, with a geiger counter for radioactive particles before allowing her to enter a fallout shelter for an overnight stay. Deaths And Funerals The Birmingham News. Survivors include the widow: a daughter, Mrs. Bob Smith, Tampa, four sisters, Mrs.

John H. Nixon, Birmingham, Mrs. L. V. Moore, San Mateo, and Mrs.

Jesse Scott and Mrs. Effie Noblin, both of Calera; and two brothers, Clayton Cox, Washington, D. and Cecil Cox, Shorter. Horace W. Dickinson (veteran and a retired employe of Funeral for Horace Wright Dickinson, 73, of 407 Gladys-st, Bessewho died Wednesday at a local hospital, will be held today at 11 a.m.

at Brown-Service, Bessemer Chapel with burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery. A veteran Bessemer police officer, Mr. Dickinson had been an invalid for several years as the result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. He was widely known in Bessemer for his interest in the youth of the city. A veteran of Navy service, he was an accomplished amateur boxer, and was known by many as "Sailor Dixon," the name he used in the ring decades ago.

Mr. Dickinson was the author of a column which appeared weekly for some years in The BesseElmer Advertiser. Dickinson is survived his by wife, Mrs. Winnie Dickinson; four daughters, Mrs. Louise Demeritt of Key West, Mrs.

Annette Franklin and Mrs. Helen Armstrong of Birmingham, Mrs. Marjorie Dabbs of Bessemer; and eight grandchildren. Mrs. Eloise Watwood Funeral for Mrs.

Eloise Jones 47, of 1322 Hudson-av, Bessemer, who died Wednesday at a local hospital, will be at 2 p.m. today at Brown -Service Bessemer Chapel. Burial will be in Highland Memorial Cemetery. Mrs. Watwood is survived by her husband, Lawrence E.

Watwood: her mother, Mrs. Eva Jones; a sister, Mrs. Nell Sanders; and three brothers, W. P. and T.

A. Jones. A member of the First Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Watwood was a past president of the Pilot Club. At the time of her death she was serving as adult advisor of the Anchor Club, an organization for teen age girls sponsored by Pilot International.

She was a member of the Salvation Army advisory committee, the Order of Eastern Star and the Bessemer Health Council. Mrs. Della P. Huggins Funeral for Mrs. Della P.

Huggins, 88, of Springville, will be at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at her home, with interment in Mt. Calvary Cemetery. She died I yesterday in an Oneonta hospital. Survivors include six daugh-82, ters, Mrs.

Pauline of Springville, Mrs. Ethel of Mooren Norfolk, Mrs. Mary Pendegrass of Anniston, Mrs. Maude Dunn of Scottsboro, Mrs. Mamie Breedwall of Guntersville, and Mrs.

Gertrude Albright; one son, Oliver Jackson of Grant. Roebuck Chapel will direct funeral arrangements. Reuben Grady Cox Reuben Grady Cox, 448 Fourthst. died yesterday at his home. Funeral will be at 2:30 p.m.

today at Elmwood Chapel, with burial in Elmwood. Mr. Cox, a native of Macon County, was a long time resident of Birmingham, a World War II Hour are you fined 6 for Bourbon? YEARS OLD KENTUCKY 6 YEARS OLD SINCE 1810 FILL CO RUINE HOUT FRAZIER ON we mean! FRAZIER Kentucky's for KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BU UGLE ON only MI AND I RAZE RENTUCR Also SIN 1810 TOP SCOUTS -Receiving Eagle Scout badges at a Court of Honor ceremony of the Vulcan District of Boy Scouts of America last night at Shades Valley High School Auditorium were (front row, left to right) Billy Surface and George Yeager, (second row, from left) Robert Harelty, Chappy Perry and Lindsay Ballard, (back row, from left) Johnny Williams and Eugene Knapp. In The SuburbsHomewood Pushes Anti-Merger Fight BY RALPH HOLMES Homewood city officials, in an against merger with Birmingham, port to its citizens a sheet containing wood's services with Birmingham's. The anti-merger sheet, entitied, gins by stating that "Homewood is now balancing its budget for the year 1963-1964 without any additional taxes and without any loss of services." The sheet goes on to say that Homewood Birmingham 20 years ago to annex," but says that Birmingham answered with a "resounding No." It continues, "Now, according to Council a Drennen, Birmingham needs HOLMES Homewood's ad HOLMES valorem tax to pay for the operation of the Art Gallery and the Garbage Collection The sheet said that Homewood collects garbage in the business districts without charge, and that Birmingham business pay "from $3 to $5 everytime their cans Jacoby On Bridge BY OSWALD JACOBY Newspaper Enterprise Assn.

The Jacoby Transfer Bid (JTB) has numerous advantages, but outstanding among them is that it makes it possible for the no-trump hand to be declarer so that opening lead comes up to the strong hand. NORTH 27 A Q10654 2 0743 WEST EAST A 83 A 72 1094 8653 J832 Q1075 A010 SOUTH (D) AJ9 AK Q7 K4 62 North and South vulnerable South West North East 2 N.T. Pass 3 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass Pass 5 Pass 6 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead-. "This advantage two is greater after beopening no-trump cause there are more high cards in the closed hand. In the Billings, regional every South player opened with two no-trump.

There was no reason to make any other bid. The bidding went various ways from that point, but most pairs landed at either six spades or six no-trump. Six no-trump never made. West always opened the jack of hearts. Eventually South would have to lead a club from dummy, give West two club tricks.

When North became declarer at six spades he made it except when East opened a club. There were several club openings. The JTB players landed at six spades with South as declarer. Some got there via the Blackwood route. Others used the bidding shown in the box.

North transferred, cue bid diamonds finally invited the slam by going to five spades. This didn't put any great burden on South. He had the right kind of hand to accept the slam invitation. The play was even less of a burden. South had some worries after the heart opening, but he played two rounds of trumps and when both opponents followed to the second trump lead the worries were over.

South was able to ruff dummy's last diamond and to discard two of dummy's clubs on high hearts. This left him with only one club loser. United Press International SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic, Sept. 26 A three-man civilian junta was established today as a provisional government pending elections sometime in 1965. The military leaders who deposed and arrested President (Juan Bosch and his eight-man cabinet yesterday said Emilio De Los Santos, 62, Ramon Tapia Espinal, 37, and Manuel Enrique (Tabares, 39, had been chosen to run the country provisionally.

Their selection was made by opposition political party leaders invited by the armed forces yesterday to choose a new provisional regime. De Los Santos was president of the electoral board which certified Bosch's election to the presidency the first legally-selected chief executive in the Dominican Republic in more than three decades seven months ago. Tapia was a member of the interim government which ruled the country after the fall of the Trujillos. Tabares is the least wellknown of the group. Proclaimed As Bosch The new provisional government was proclaimed as Bosch, from his prison suite in the presidential palace, called on Dominicans to "defend democracy." He said he would not leave the country voluntarily.

Circulars distributed in the streets and signed by Bosch said "We may fall but the people (should not permit the shall fall of remain democracy we here at the disposal of the people." Mrs. Bosch, who flew here from San Juan, P. where she had been a house guest of Gov. Luis Munoz Marin, said she had contacted the leaders "of all the democratic countries of the hemisphere" to pressure the new government for guarantees as to the security of herself, her husband and their relatives. Bosch's niece and private secretary, Milagros Ortiz Bosch, told UPI she had seen her uncle at noon and he was in good spirits and good health.

She said he was being treated well. It was the second day in a row of scattered, small-scale street disorders. An estimated 100 persons were arrested yesterday, but there was no information available on how many were picked up today. U.S. Willing To Grant Juan Bosch Asylum WASHINGTON, Sept.

26 (UPDThe United States today expressed willingness to grant political asylum to Juan Bosch, president of the Dominican Republic who was ousted by a military junta. A State Dept. spokesman said he had "every reason to anticipate that Bosch would be granted asylum." However, it was reported Bosch might seek asylum in Puerto Rico or other Latin American nations. The United States halted a $4.2 million aid program and severed diplomatic relations with the Caribbean island after Bosch was deposed. State Dept.

Press Officer Rich- TO SEE JFK-Councilwoman Nina Miglionico. Miglionico To Visit JFK Councilwoman Nina Miglionico said yesterday she plans to confer with President Kennedy Friday, Oct. 11, during a White House reception for the President's Commission on the Status of Women. Miss Miglionico, appointed to the commission during the Fall of 1962, holds a seat on its Insurance and Taxes Committee. "I believe 99 per cent of local residents are more than disgusted with the bombings here," she said, "and I'm going to tell him." Miss Miglionico, Alabama's only representative on the special commission, plans to fly from Mobile to attend the one-day event in Washington following a Thursday night address Port City's Business and Professional Women's Club.

Mrs. Jennie Kallman Funeral for Mrs. Jennie Kallman, 76, of 2909 Highland-av, will be at 11 a.m. today at JohnsRidout's with burial in Knesseth Israel Beth-El Cemetery. Mrs.

Kallman died yesterday in a Birmingham hospital. She had been a resident of Birmingham since 1905, living for many years in Ensley. Survivors include six daughters, Mrs. Ann Freed of Houston, Mrs. Ruth Lambert of New York City, Mrs.

Frieda Kaulman of Pomona, and Mrs. Sara Grabove, Mrs. Esther Roth and Miss Alice Kallman, all of Birmingham; two sons, David Marvin Kallman, both of Birmingham; two brothers, Harry and Morris Rubin, both of Long Island, N. and a sister, Mrs. Bertha Dolin, Brooklyn, N.

Y. The family requests that memorial donations be made to charity. Eulis William Panter Funeral for Eulis William Panter, 59, 8528 Division-av, will be at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the First Assembly of God, with interment in Jefferson Memorial Gardens. Roebuck Chapel will direct services.

He had lived in Birmingham for the past 12 years, and had worked with the Birmingham Water Works for five years. Panter was a member of the First Assembly of God Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Nettie Panter; one son, Vernon E. Panter; one daughter, Mrs.

Linda Hudson of Tuscaloosa; seven brothers, Oliver, Albert, Floyd, James, Elmer, Arlin, and Lawrence Panter; and two sisters, Mrs. Eunice Prescott of Nauvoo and Mrs. Lida Lyles of Double Springs. Mrs. Laura M.

Ivey Funeral for Mrs. Laura M. Ivey, of 5720 Fifth-ct, will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at South Avondale Baptist Church with burial in Forest Hill Cemetery, JohnsRidout's directing. Mrs.

Ivey, a native of Tennessee and formerly of Huntsville, died yesterday in a Birmingham hospital. She had lived in Birmingham for the past 14 years and was a member of South Avondale Baptist Church where she served as class mother for the Ruth Class. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Marie Wilkes of Birmingham, Mrs. Walter D.

Fisk of Huntsville and Mrs. Joe Ed-, mison, Washington, D. C. and two sons, Herbert A. Ivey of Taft.

Tenn. and Robert R. Ivey of Reseda, Cal. Alfred L. Kirkpatrick Funeral for Alfred L.

Kirkpatrick, 81, of 3205 Linwood-dr, will be at 2 p.m. today at JohnsRidout's with burial in Elmwood. Mr. Kirkpatrick, a native of Haleyville, died Wednesday in a Birmingham hospital. He was a native of Haleyville and had lived in Birmingham for many years.

He was retired from the Birmingham Southern Railroad after 52 years of service as yard master. He also was a Mason. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. L. 0.

Melton, Birmingham, and a son, Alfred L. Kirkpatrick New York City. Kinder Loan Approved WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 The Housing Administration announced today a loan of $172,292 to help Kinder, finance construction of 14 low-rent homes. RED DIAMOND instant COFFEE DED DIAMOND 28 DAY pm COFFEE SALE attempt to publicize their stand have enclosed in their annual rea comparison of some of Home- "Did You Know That.

beare emptied." It said that Homewood's tax rate is lower that Birmingham's and "our services excel in many instances," and "Homewood has no parking meters." The Birmingham Police Chief is quoted in the sheet as saying Birmingham is short 200 patrolmen. Race Problems "Homewood," according to the fact sheet, "settles all its race problems at the conference If Homewood is annexed into Birmingham, the sheet says that, Homewood will have no control over zoning, Homewood's parks would be closed and children forced out on the streets, Home- wood schools would become a part of the city schools of Birmingham that are now being integrated, and Homewood will not be assured of representation on the city government with all Councilmen elected at large." Homewood Due Own Postmark Although Homewood's request for a separate postoffice was turned down, Mayor E. G. (Bud) Walker announced that Homewood would get a cancellation machine for the branch office for use on first class mail. Earlier this year, Homewood asked its postoffice, rather than Birmingham for, own, branch postoffice which sent all mail to the main office for cancellation.

First-class deposited in the box in front of the Homewood branch postoffice will be postmarked "Homewood" rather than "Birmingham." Mail deposited in any of the other boxes in Homewood, will go to Birmingham for handling and cancellation. Martin To Talk To Men's Group Jim Martin, 1962 Republican candidate for U. S. Senate and Gadsden bus i- nessman, will be the guest speaker at the Central Park Methodist Men's Club tonight. Mr.

Martin, who recently returned from a trip to Europe that included a tour of Russia, MARTIN will tell of some of his experiences abroad, and will join the Central Park Civitans as guests of the Methodist Men's Club. Midfield Banquet To Honor Champs Midfield is going all out to honor its Dixie Youth League Champions with a champic banquet Monday night at the Midfield Elementary School. With Police Chief Jay Morris providing the entertainment, Midfield has plans for record -breaking attendance, and plans to serve the dinner in two shifts, one at 6 p.m. and the other at 7 p.m. The Midfield champions and their parents will be honored by the City of Midfield, and other Midfield players are invited to attend the banquet free of charge.

Following dinner, the champions will be presented awards by Midfield City officials. Advertisem*nt Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Eat, talk, laugh or sneeze without fear of insecure false teeth dropping slipping or wobbling. FASTEETH holds plates firmer and more comfortably. This pleasant powder has nc gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Doesn't cause nausea.

It's alkaline (non -acid) Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at drug counters everywhere. 11 In Finals For Merit Scholarships Eleven students from Indian Springs School have been named as semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship competion. These boys from the Shelby County school bring the total for Jefferson County and surrounding areas to 71 scholars. The Indian Springs students are Jackson H.

Birdson, Stanley D. Bynum, David T. Dobbs, Lawrence E. Futrell, Franklin H. Grafford, Dale V.

Hill, Robert G. McGahey, Francis A. Marzoni, Lawrence Matthews, Robert M. Maultiz, and John B. Rudolph.

lard Phillips said U. S. officials in Santo Domingo were attempting to assess the junta's intentions without establishing diplomatic contact. Advertisem*nt The REWARDS of caring Are you concerned about success in your job? Or in your marriage? In the October Reader's Digest you'll learn how "caring or not caring can spell the difference!" Read how you can expand your capacity for caring--and sharpen it in your children! Get October Reader's Digest now on sale. People have faith in Reader's Digest A Woman's You see them everywhere--but who talks about it out loud? Much too embarrassing! Yet few women are blessed with a lily-white, silky-smooth upper lip.

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Birmingham Post-Herald from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)


What historical events happened in Birmingham, Alabama? ›

  • April 3: Birmingham campaign for civil rights begins.
  • April 16: Martin Luther King Jr. ...
  • May: Birmingham riot of 1963.
  • September 15: 16th Street Baptist Church bombing.
  • Birmingham Botanical Gardens open.

What is the largest newspaper in Birmingham? ›

The Birmingham News is Alabama's largest newspaper. The paper has won two Pulitzer Prizes, one for investigative reporting and one for editorials advocating tax reform.

Does Birmingham have a newspaper? ›

Tour The Birmingham News to get an up-close look at the production of this award-winning newspaper. Visit the newsroom, art and pre-press departments and the three-story presses to see how the newspaper is created, printed and distributed.

Does Birmingham AL have a daily newspaper? ›

Subscribe to read the cover story from today's daily digital edition of The Birmingham News.

What is the most historical place in Birmingham? ›

5 Top Historical Sites in Birmingham
  • Aston Hall.
  • Blakesley Hall.
  • Birmingham Back to Backs.
  • Winterbourne House and Garden.
  • Soho House.

What is the nickname of Birmingham? ›

The start of the 20th century brought the substantial growth that gave Birmingham the nickname "The Magic City", as the downtown area developed from a low-rise commercial and residential district into a busy grid of neoclassical mid-rise and high-rise buildings and busy streetcar lines.

What is Alabama's oldest newspaper? ›

The Press-Register (known from 1997 to 2006 as the Mobile Register) was a newspaper serving the southwest Alabama counties of Mobile and Baldwin. The newspaper is a descendant of one founded in 1813, making the Press-Register Alabama's oldest newspaper.

What is the main newspaper in Birmingham? ›

Birmingham has two main local newspapers—the Birmingham Post and the Birmingham Mail—as well as the Sunday Mercury, all owned by Reach plc (formerly Trinity Mirror).

Is The Birmingham Post still published? ›

The Birmingham Post is a weekly printed newspaper based in Birmingham, England, with distribution throughout the West Midlands.

What are the mysterious black poles popping up in Birmingham suburbs? ›

According to Vestavia Hills Assistant City Manager Cinnamon McCulley, the poles are small cell technology meant to increase wireless data capacity and speeds. “Why the small cell nodes are important is because they deal with quantity of users,” she said. “So, like if you went to a football game at Protective Stadium.

What happened in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963? ›

The Birmingham riot of 1963 was a civil disorder and riot in Birmingham, Alabama, that was provoked by bombings on the night of May 11, 1963. The bombings targeted African-American leaders of the Birmingham campaign. In response, local African-Americans burned businesses and fought police throughout the downtown area.

Who owns Birmingham newspaper? ›

Owner. The newspaper is owned by Reach plc. Reach Plc also own the Daily Mirror and the Birmingham Post.

What is Birmingham famous for in history? ›

6. Manufacturing. Birmingham was home to the great scientists and inventors Matthew Boulton, James Watt and William Murdoch, leading Birmingham to be the first manufacturing town in the world. The first ever working Steam Engine and the anchor of the Titanic were built in the Black Country.

Why is Birmingham, Alabama famous? ›

Birmingham, Alabama became a focal point for civil rights activism and struggles against racial segregation and discrimination during the 1960s. One of the most notable examples of Birmingham's importance in the movement was the Birmingham Campaign in 1963. It was led by Martin Luther King Jr.

What is a major historical event in Alabama? ›

1861 - Alabama secedes from the United States and joins the Confederacy. The Civil War begins. 1874 - The Reconstruction comes to an end in Alabama. 1955 - Rosa Parks is arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus.

What is the history of the city of Birmingham? ›

History: Birmingham was founded in 1871 at the crossing of two rail lines near one of the world's richest deposits of minerals. The Alabama Legislature passed an act to incorporate the city on December 19, 1871.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.