Roman Numerals Converter (2024)

Created by Rijk de Wet

Reviewed by

Wojciech Sas, PhD and Steven Wooding

Last updated:

May 20, 2024

Table of contents:
  • What are Roman numerals?
  • How to use the Roman numerals converter?
  • The Roman numerals chart — Roman numbers 1 to 1000
  • How do I read Roman numerals?
  • How do I convert numbers to Roman numerals?
  • FAQ

Whether you're trying to decipher an ancient Latin text or you just want to add the year on your high school jacket, our Roman numerals converter has you covered. Knowing how to convert numbers to Roman numerals and back can be a surprisingly handy trick for historians, mathematicians, astrologists, and even lawmakers.

So, whether you'd like to learn how to read Roman numerals or just want to consult a Roman numerals chart, you're in the right place with our Roman numerals generator. I know that I\textrm{I}I, for one, ❤️ Roman numerals!

What are Roman numerals?

We see Roman numerals everywhere — clocks, musical chords, historical dates, legal documents, astronomy, and even football team names. But what are they, where do they come from, and how do they work?

The Roman numeral number system represents numeric values with letters of the Latin alphabet. You can take a look at the chart further down to see how they correspond.

The Roman numeral system arose in ancient Rome and was used in most of Europe until the Middle Ages. It was primarily used to count with, so it has no representation for negative numbers (as these can't be used to describe a discrete number of objects); nor for the number zero, as everyday people hadn't even thought of these concepts yet.

How to use the Roman numerals converter?

If you're in a hurry and just need to convert a number to Roman numerals, look no further than the Roman numerals converter. Here's how to use it:

  1. Enter the number you'd like to convert to Roman numerals. Because Roman numerals can't represent fractions, the number zero, negative numbers, or numbers above 3,999,999, the Roman numerals generator will reject such inputs.

  2. The Roman numerals calculator will determine your number's equivalent Roman numeral and display it below.

  3. If your number has a complicated Roman numeral, we'll also break it down with an explanation.

If you'd still like to know how to read Roman numerals better than even our Roman numerals converter can, you should keep reading!

The Roman numerals chart — Roman numbers 1 to 1000

As we've said above, Roman numerals use letters of the alphabet to represent numeric values. In the Roman numerals chart below, we can see which letter corresponds to which value.

Roman numeral
















In addition, when a Roman numeral has a line over it, its value is multiplied by 1,000. V\overline{\textrm{V}}V , for example, signifies 5,000. This extension to the Roman numeral system wasn't widely used, and competing systems had other methods, but adding the overhead line will generally convey the correct idea to a knowledgeable modern audience.

Roman numeral














How do I read Roman numerals?

The numerals in the above chart are just the building blocks. You can combine them to create any integer you can think of — within the limits we've established, of course. Let's see how this is done!

Our everyday number system of Arabic numerals uses a place-value system, meaning a digit's position in a number determines how much it's worth. For example, the digit "2" represents a value of 2 in 42, whereas it represents 20 in the number 123.

In contrast, the Roman numerals all have fixed values. V\textrm{V}V always means 5, and M\textrm{M}M always means 1,000 — regardless of where they're placed in the string of Roman numerals. Instead, the numerals must be combined to represent intermediary values with the help of addition and subtraction:

  • When two numerals are side-by-side, and the first is of equal or greater value than the second, their values are added together.

    • I\textrm{I}I (1) combines with itself to create II\textrm{II}II (2).

    • V\textrm{V}V (5) and I\textrm{I}I (1) combine to create VI\textrm{VI}VI (6).

    • C\textrm{C}C (100) and three X\textrm{X}X's (each 10) combine to create CXXX\textrm{CXXX}CXXX (130).

  • When the first letter of a numeral pair has a lesser value than the second, the first subtracts from the second.

    • I\textrm{I}I (1) and V\textrm{V}V (5) combine to create IV\textrm{IV}IV (4).

    • X\textrm{X}X (10) and C\textrm{C}C (100) combine to create XC\textrm{XC}XC (90).

Here are a few easy numbers converted to Roman numbers from 1 to 1000 for you to sink your teeth into — see if you can make sense of them!





























































The pattern continues for larger numbers. 2,000 is MM\textrm{MM}MM, 3,000 is MMM\textrm{MMM}MMM, 4,000 is MV\textrm{M}\overline{\textrm{V}}MV, and so on.

I can hear you asking — How do I convert a more complex number to Roman numerals? What is 2021 in Roman numerals, for example? Jump over to the next section to find out!

How do I convert numbers to Roman numerals?

If we want to convert a number that has more than one significant digit (like 365 or 2021), we can follow a simple formula:

  • Express the number as a sum of its place values.

    • 365=300+60+5365 = 300 + 60 + 5365=300+60+5;
    • 2021=2,000+20+12021 = 2,000 + 20 + 12021=2,000+20+1 (notice that we ignore the zero between the two 222's!)
  • Convert each value in the sum to its Roman numeral. It's easy with the table above!

    • For 365365365:
      • 300CCC300\rightarrow\textrm{CCC}300CCC
      • 60LX60\rightarrow\textrm{LX}60LX
      • 5V5\rightarrow\textrm{V}5V
    • For 202120212021:
      • 2,000MM2,000\rightarrow\textrm{MM}2,000MM
      • 20XX20\rightarrow\textrm{XX}20XX
      • 1I1\rightarrow\textrm{I}1I
  • Put the symbols together to convert your number to Roman numerals.

    • 365CCCLXVCCCLXV365\rightarrow\textrm{CCC}\cdot\textrm{LX}\cdot\textrm{V}\rightarrow\textrm{CCCLXV}365CCCLXVCCCLXV

    • 2021MMXXIMMXXI2021\rightarrow\textrm{MM}\cdot\textrm{XX}\cdot\textrm{I}\rightarrow\textrm{MMXXI}2021MMXXIMMXXI

If you're still having trouble understanding our Roman ancestors' number system, playing around with our Roman numerals calculator (even just for X\textrm{X}X minutes) will get you there!


What is 4 in Roman numerals?

4 is IV in Roman numerals. It consists of I and V, the Roman numerals for 1 and 5. Because the I is placed before the V, we must subtract 1 from 5, and so IV = 5 − 1 = 4.

What are the Roman numerals?

The Roman numerals are I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. Each of the Roman numbers 1 to 1000 represent a numeric value. Which represents which is tabulated below:

Roman numeral
















What is XI in Roman numerals?

XI is the Roman numeral for 11, as it consists of X (10) and I (1) added together. The Roman numeral XI is commonly used in soccer, where the term "starting XI" refers to the eleven players who will be on the field when the match begins.

What number is LV in Roman numerals?

The Roman numeral LV represents the number 55. In 2021, the NFL hosted the 55th annual Super Bowl and labeled it with LV. They've been doing this since the '70s.

What is 19 in Roman numerals?

19 in Roman numerals is XIX. We can break 19 up into a sum of 10 + 9. In Roman numerals, 10 is X, and 9 is IX (10 – 1), so together 19 is XIX.

What is XXXVII in Roman numerals?

XXXVII is the Roman numeral for 37. It's constructed of

  1. XXX (30);
  2. V (5); and
  3. II (2),

which are all added together to result in 30 + 5 + 2 = 37. This particular Roman numeral XXXVII commonly refers to a titanic Super Bowl match that occurred in early 2003.

What is 1980 in Roman numerals?

1980 in Roman numerals is MCMLXXX. It's constructed of

  1. M (1000);
  2. CM (900); and
  3. LXXX (80).

What is 1984 in Roman numerals?

1984 in Roman numerals is MCMLXXXIV. It's constructed of

  1. M (1000);
  2. CM (900);
  3. LXXX (80); and
  4. IV (4).

Rijk de Wet

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Roman Numerals Converter (2024)


How can I memorize Roman numerals easily? ›

A common way to memorize and remember Roman numbers is using mnemonics - sentences in which the first letters of the words would assist you remember. Two well-known mnemonics in descending order from 1000 (M) to 1 (I) are as follows: "MeDiCaL XaVIer". “My Dear Cat Loves Xtra Vitamins Intensely”.

What is the answer in Roman numerals? ›

These roman numerals are I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X represent 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively. After 10, the roman numerals are followed by XI for 11, XII for 12, XII for 13, … till XX for 20.

What is the rhyme to remember Roman numerals? ›

Lucy Can't Drink Milk The Roman numerals in order for I, V, X (1, 5, 10) I Vant XRays The Roman numerals in order for I V X L C D M (1 5 10 50 100 500 1000) I Value Xylophones Like Cows Dig Milk A Poem to remember all the Roman numerals: M's "mille" (or 1000 said) D's half (500 - quickly read!)

What is the hardest Roman numeral? ›

Well let's see…the Roman numerals I know of are I, V, X, L, C, and M. Of these, the hardest to chisel into stone—and chiseling them into stone was important to the Romans—was C, because it is the only one that is curved. So there is your answer: C.

What is z in Roman numerals? ›

Z, Symbol. the 26th in order or in a series, or, when I is omitted, the 25th. (sometimes l.c.) the medieval Roman numeral for 2000.

What does d stand for in Roman numerals? ›

L = 50 M = 1000. V = 5. C = 100. X = 10. D = 500.

What does C stand for in Roman numerals? ›

We know that in roman numerals, we write 100 as C. Therefore, 100 in roman numerals is written as C = 100.

How do you practice Roman numerals? ›

We replace each number with the letter that represents it:
  1. M -> 1.000.
  2. X -> 10.
  3. V -> 5.
  4. I -> 1.
  5. 2018 = 1000 + 1000 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 -> M M X V I I I.
  6. 2009 = 1000 + 1000 + (10 – 1) -> M M I X.
  7. MDCCLXXVIII -> 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1778.
Jul 9, 2024

How do you read Roman numerals quickly? ›

Basic principles
  1. I or j = 1.
  2. II or ij = 2 (1+1)
  3. III or iij = 3 (1+1+1)
  4. IIII or iiij or IV = 4 (1+1+1+1) or (5-1)
  5. V =5.
  6. VI or vj =6.
  7. VII or vij = 7 (5+1+1)
  8. VIII or viij = 8 (5+1+1+1)

What is xx in Roman numerals? ›

20 in Roman Numerals is represented by XX. The expanded form to convert 20 in Roman Numerals can be written as 20 = 10 + 10. Now, writing 10 in roman numeral, we get 20 = X + X = XX.

Can you repeat V in Roman numerals? ›

While writing a Roman Numeral, only the numerals I, X, C and M can be repeated. The numerals V, L and D cannot be repeated.

What does xcx mean in Roman numerals? ›

The jail bait styling extended to her stage name, which is either a bad Roman numeral version of 100 or, according to XCX herself, “X-rated **** X-rated” (you don't need much imagination to work out what the C stands for).

What is the easiest way to memorize numbers? ›

7 easy tricks to remember numbers, codes, passwords
  1. Create associations. ...
  2. Break long numbers into smaller parts. ...
  3. Look for patterns. ...
  4. Learn actively. ...
  5. Repeat it. ...
  6. Visualize the shape the numbers make on a keypad. ...
  7. Convert numbers to words or images.
May 26, 2010

How to learn Roman number 1 to 100? ›

What are the basic Roman numeral symbols to remember?
  1. The following fixed values are the basic letters you need to remember for Roman numerals 1-100:
  2. I = 1.
  3. V = 5.
  4. X = 10.
  5. L = 50.
  6. C = 100.
  7. If this seems a little overwhelming, don't worry!
Jul 17, 2023

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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