Your GP practice is open and here for you and your family.
In order to provide the right care at the right time, all GP practices are changing how they work. In a GP practice you will now find a wider team of specialists and professionals working together to help and care for you. The larger practice team is designed to best manage the very busy workload and the range of health needs that people have. You may get referred to the most appropriate member of the team to provide the support you need.
Dr Himani Singh (f)
Senior GP Partner
Dr Singh qualified in 1995 from Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospital.
Her special interest is women’s health including contraception and the menopause
Dr Mano Mageson (m)
GP Partner
MBBS MRCGP PG Cert in teachers in primary care
Dr Mageson qualified in 2003 from St George’s Hospital, London.
His particular interests are musculoskeletal conditions and medical education.
Dr Ketan Patel (m)
GP Partner
Dr Patel qualified in 1999 from Sir Maharaja Sayajirao University in India.
He moved to the UK in 2001.
His special interests are diabetes, cardiovascular disease management and paediatrics.
Dr Kevin Yee (m)
Nursing Team
Pharmacy Team
Imran Ahmad
Clinical Pharmacist
Faraz Syed
Clinical Pharmacist
Practice Team
Practice Management
Cynthia Bullas
Practice Manager
Sara Mason
Assistant Practice Manager
Administration Team
Sally Bentley
Prescribing Clerk
Angela Jackson
Lisa Knight
Laura Hartfield
Gillian Cooney
Lorraine Miller
Lisa Moulton
Christine Neville
Sue Beerling
Shelley Burnett
Jill Salway
Social Prescriber
Cat Kayum
Social Prescriber
One’s health is affected by more than just physical harm to the body. Factors such as stress,unemployment, debt, loneliness, lack of education and support in early childhood, insecure housing and discrimination can affect 30-55% of our health outcomes. This is why the concept of ‘social prescribing’ has been introduced by the NHS to provide an integrated and holistic approach to healthcare.
In the UK, one in five GP appointments is related to wider social needs rather than medical issues. Social prescribers (also calledsocial prescribing link workers) work together with GP practices to ensure that the wider needs of patients are addressed. They connect patients to groups, activities and services in their communities to meet their social, emotional and practical needs that affect their health and wellbeing. They are the bridge between yourGP and all the non-healthcare services available in your community.
Any member of your GP practice team may suggest a referral to a social prescriber. A social prescriber will then have an appointment with you to discuss your situation, assess your needs and advise you of support available in your community. You can talk to your social prescriber about any non-medical issue including debt, loneliness, education, discrimination etc. and they will be able to link you to the right services to support you.
Whatever you’re facing, you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself.
Additional Staff
Anne Nicholas
Phlebotomy is the process of taking blood from a patient to be sent to the hospital for analysis.
Blood tests are used to help obtain a diagnosis for illness – or rule them out, monitor treatment, and help patients, alongside their GPs, to manage long term health conditions.
The majority of blood tests only take a few minutes and are carried out by a phlebotomist (a specialist in taking blood samples from patients)
Friday Nwankwo
Mental Health Practitioner
Mental health reviews and support are offered by the Mental Health Practitioner (MHP). The MHP conducts in person or telephone consultations.
Fola Raji
Ciara Patel
Physiotherapy appointments for patients aged 16 and over can be booked directly through Reception. The Physiotherapist can deal with:
All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries.
Arthritis – any joint
Possible problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons or bones (eg, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndromes, ankle sprains)
Spinal pain including lower back pain, mid back pain and neck pain.
Spinal-related pain in arms or legs, including nerve symptoms(eg, pins and needles or numbness)
Post orthopaedic surgery.
Our Team has Grown
Your GP practice is open and here for you and your family.
In order to provide the right care at the right time, all GP practices are changing how they work.
In a GP practice you will now find a wider team of specialists and professionals working together to help and care for you.
The larger practice team is designed to best manage the very busy workload and the range of health needs that people have.
You may get referred to the most appropriate member of the team to provide the support you need.